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Opening the [OnePlate.php] in the editor, and customize the settings.

Customizing the constant in the class

There is no need to change these. It is possible to change.

const TPL_TAG_START = '{{';
const TPL_TAG_END = '}}';

Start and end of a tag that describes the template. You can change to such as '{%', '%}' or '<%', '%>'.

const TPL_COM_START = '{*';
const TPL_COM_END = '*}';

Start and end of the template of the comments. Not the HTML comments, is the template for comments.

const TPL_VAR_NAME = '$myTplVars';

Variable to be assigned to the template. It must not overlap with other variable name.

const TPL_TAG_HEAD = '@';

Header of template tag.

const TPL_LITERAL = '!';

Characters to describe the literal. Described before and after the 'TPL_TAG_START / TPL_TAG_END'.


Delimiter of escape list.

const ARRAY_DELIMITER = '.';

Delimiter of array dimension.

const FOREACH_KEY = '@index';
const FOREACH_KEY = '@key';
const FOREACH_VAL = '@val';

String that indicates the index and key and value in the foreach.

const HTML_ENCODING = 'UTF-8';

htmlspecialchars encoding.

Customizing the initial value of property in the class

These parameters can be changed as a property at the time of instance generation and class.


Calculate the processing time on/off.


Directory name of the template file.


Delete html comment (<!--...-->) from the HTML source. It is also deleted the source of the css and js that are enclosed in HTML comments.


Delete Tab ( ) from the HTML source.


Delete Return (
) from the HTML source.


Delete the PHP tag (<? ... ?>) contained in the template


Enable the cache.


Directory name of the cache file.


Directory permissions of the cache file.


Prefix of the cache file.


Extension of the cache file.


Permissions of the cache file.


Delimiter of the cache file name. (File name : CACHE_PREFIX#script_name#TPL_DIR#tpl_name#CACHE_EXT)


Validity period of the cache file [sec]. If the cache is older than this will be regenerated.


Time to delete the old cache files [sec]. If the cache is older than this will be removed in the destructor. In the case of 0 does not remove.


To HTML escaped (htmlspecialchars) by default.


Start value of foreach index.

By setting the parameters when creating an instance, you can override the value of the properties of the class.

$op_conf = array('BENCHMARK_FLG'=>TRUE, 'CACHE_FLG'=>TRUE);
$op = new OnePlate($op_conf);

Or, after the generation of the instance, you can change the value of the properties of the class.

$op->conf['BENCHMARK_FLG'] = FALSE;
$op->conf['CACHE_FLG'] = FALSE;